The oral surgery is a broad and fairly specialized field . The most common occurrences encountered in the clinic are incarcerated and semi-incarcerated wisdom teeth , impacted canines who in collaboration orthodontic occupy its proper position in the dental arches , impacted teeth and supernumerary impacted teeth ( ie in addition to the normal) , residual roots , radicular cysts.
Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth or semi impacted
The wisdom tooth , often do not have sufficient space to fully erupt and get the position in the dental block. The semi impacted wisdom tooth creates problems because it causes inflammation of the tissues that surround ( pericoronitis ) , caries of the adjacent tooth , continuous injury area of the web , etc. There are patients who on their own initiative resort to antibiotics for the treatment of painful symptoms caused by a semi impacted wisdom tooth . This tactic is wrong, because it provides temporary relief to a problem that comes back .
The wisdom tooth must be removed by a minor surgical procedure under local anesthesia, with this methodology ensures rapid removal and protection of the adjacent anatomic structures . Proper training and experience intervene is the key to the smooth procedure of the surgery and good postoperative course of the patient.